
To help speed up development, Ferum provides a free indexer which exposes useful data via a REST API. Expect more API endpoints to be added here soon!

The ferum indexer is currently being upgraded and is unavailable.

Building on top of Ferum and need your data indexed or additional APIs? We can help! Reach out to us in Ferum OGs.

Here's an example API call, which fetches all orders created on Ferum:

curl | jq .

  "data": [
      "counter": 0,
      "owner": "0xdcd166a8422c44369b232d1a27fa4bd57fa428fe59af01f5bfa345be65c43358",
      "instrument_type": "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin",
      "quote_type": "0x7e9d4ebb1ac454c759719fc87b7f13b116d2f226c76d838970bf80e6aaea9000::test_coins::USDF",
      "side": "buy",
      "original_qty": "1",
      "price": "1",
      "type": "resting",
      "status": "pending",
      "client_order_id": "",
      "cancel_agent": "none",
      "remaining_qty": "1"
  "cursor": null


Get details about a specific order


Query Parameters

    // Response

Get details about a specific order


Path Parameters

    // Response

Get executions for a specific order


Path Parameters

    // Cursor for the next page. To get the next page of objects,
    // pass this value in as the cursor query parameter.
    // If null, there is no next page.
    cursor: string | null,
    data: Array<{
        // Uniquely identifies this execution from other executions
        // for the same order.
        exec_counter: integer,
        // Refers to the order this execution is for.
        // Owner portion of OrderID (see Core Concepts/OrderID).
        order_owner: integer,
        // Refers to the order this execution is for.
        // Counter portion of OrderID (see Core Concepts/OrderID).
        order_counter: string,
        // Decimal string representing price for this execution.
        price: string,
        // Decimal string representing quantity for this execution.
        qty: string,

Last updated